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The following are instructions for using the displays combined with camera and speakers for meetings

ECS-3316 Conference room

available boards

  • Conference North (Instashare2-8a12): to the left facing away from sink
  • Conference South(Instashare2-fb7c): to the right facing away from the sink

using laptop

  1. Connect to the wifi: Conference North or Conference South,

    💥 password can be found on QR sheet next to displays

    1. Windows: Windows search bar -> Wi-Fi settings -> available networks
    2. Mac: wi-fi icon at the top menu -> available networks
  2. Connect to the board (2 choices)
    1. Chrome web browser
      1. open Chrome -> click the menu top right -> save and cast -> cast... -> choose one of the boards from here
        Conference Chrome Cast
      2. change the source on the board to cast tab or cast screen
        Conference Chrome Cast

        💡 Note: before changing source, stop the cast
        💥 Note: if you hear an echo, mute the board using the buttons at the bottom right

    2. InstaShare2 app
      1. download the app: here
      2. open the app and connect to the boards mentioned in step 1

no laptop

  1. With camera and microphone
    1. On each side of the board there are white bars about midway BenQ Conference step1
    2. Click the home button BenQ Conference step2
    3. Open the zoom app on the board BenQ Conference step3
    4. click sign in BenQ Conference step4
    5. continue with SSO BenQ Conference step5
    6. Enter your company domain BenQ Conference step6

      💡 ensure it says odu

    7. enter your MIDAS ID and Password
    8. Accept DUO
    9. join or start your meeting here
    10. Once you end your meeting ensure to sign out BenQ Conference step7
      1. 3 horizontal dots on the left labled more BenQ Conference step8
      2. click your name BenQ Conference step9
      3. scroll down on the right until the bottom BenQ Conference step10
      4. sign out
      5. bottom right sign out
      6. sign out
  2. No camera or microphone
    1. sign in with your domain account on one of the desktops
    2. use the steps mentioned in Using Laptop skipping step 1

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