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Python Anaconda

This is a guide for how to configure an anaconda environment to install python packages on our servers

💡 Note: this only works on servers with anaconda installed, check this with the following command: anaconda -V If you do not get a response from anaconda but want to have anaconda installed, email us at

What is anaconda

Conda is an Open-Source package and environment management system which can install, run and update python packages and their dependencies

How To Use

Virtual Environment

  1. First we need to make a virtual environment, this can be done with the following command:

    conda create --name <name> 

    💡 ensure to replace <name> with your desired environment name 💡 if you want to use a specific python version, include the flag python=<version> with your desired version

  2. enter y to proceed

Installing Packages

To install a python in your anaconda environment, use the following:

conda install --name <name> <package>

💡 rensure to replace <name> and <package> with the desired 💡 if you want to use a specific package version, use the following <package>=<version>. such as scipy=0.17.3

Using The Environment

  1. Enter the environment with the following command:

    conda activate <name>

    💡 ensure to replace <name> with your environment name

  2. Execute the python script just like you normally would:

    python <script>

  3. To leave the environment run the following command:
    conda deactivate

further documentation

Here is the official conda documentation:

Chat with Archibald


Please note: Archibald is an AI assistant for the ODU CS Systems Group. Information provided is based on internal documentation and policies.